Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Can men and women be just friends?

My answer is absolutely! Many people would disagree, but these would probably be the people who can’t handle themselves in a friendship with someone of the opposite sex. This is so unfortunate because having a friend of the opposite sex can be mutually beneficial.   
The problem arises when people don’t respect boundaries. Meaning, if you are in a relationship, you have to set rules for opposite sex friendships.  For example, you cannot have an opposite sex friend who don’t get along with your significant other. And any activity that specifically excludes your spouse/lover (other than planning a surprise or shopping for a special gift) should be strictly forbidden. Another forbidden activity is anything that involves dim or no lighting including movies. Please be able to recognize what is inappropriate!  If the activities can’t be enjoyed by all, they probably shouldn’t be engaged in. This doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy an activity without your honey, but there should be an open invitation for him/her to join. 

Men and women can be friends and it makes good sense! I know I appreciate having male friends when I am trying to understand the male psyche or need to decode the secrets of male behavior. In return I often help my male friends find gifts for their wives/girlfriends, give them dating advice, and assist them in analyzing female motives and intentions. Let’s abandon the notion that having a female friend is like having a girlfriend on a waiting list or that having a guy friend is like having a sex partner on standby…mature people should be able to maintain friendships….regardless of gender.

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