Sunday, October 31, 2010

Seen & Heard Sunday: How men get caught cheating

I’ve conducted surveys and interviews among my friends both male and female to determine how men usually get caught cheating. Below is the general consensus:
He’ll tell on himself- Men use the mantra, “You go looking for something, you’ll find it”. Yes she’ll find it if you are cheating, in which case she probably had other corroborating evidence which prompted further investigation. Men have a tendency to be disorganized when it comes to cheating. They’ll leave evidence or they will start acting suspiciously. In most cases, I don’t think men set out to cheat, that’s why they are unprepared and unorganized when it happens (initially). Ladies, trust your instincts, if you think he’s cheating, he probably is.
The other woman will let you know –Yes it never fails, the other woman will be fascinated with you. She can’t wait to let you know that you and your relationship is not all that. She’s usually looking to upgrade herself from other woman to wife and the quickest way to do that is to break up your relationship. She will call you and give you the sorted details of her relationship with your man. She might even come up pregnant. In a lot of cases she is relentless in the pursuit of your man. Sometimes she will tell you out of pure ignorance. She may think HER man is cheating on her with you and will seek to confront you.
His friends will tell you-Don’t be so quick to dismiss his friends’ warnings as “he’s trying to come on to you”. I’ve had several guy friends tell me that their friends broke the “man code” and warned their women that they were being cheated on. Maybe the man’s friend is tired of being used as an alibi or maybe they feel sorry that you are being cheated on. Maybe he is compelled by the guilt of knowing what is being done to you.
Your friends will tell you-Don’t dismiss your own friends’ warnings as them being jealous of your relationship, because this is what your man is going to say when you confront him. Your friend is probably torn about what she should do when she sees your man out with another woman. Women are notorious for believing their man over their girlfriends, but over time, there’s a great chance they will find their girlfriends were right.
You will find out via internet-I cannot tell you how many guys have told me they have been caught cheating via the internet. If a woman wants to know what her man is up to, all she has to do is log on and follow him on Twitter or Facebook, or check the blogs. Twitter and Facebook will surely put and eHarmony out of business (at least for those who are looking to hook-up). There is an abundance of naïve and thirsty females at your man’s finger tips (literally). If he is an athlete or entertainer depend on the blogs to expose him if he is stepping out. As a matter of fact there are blogs and website dedicated to discussing and comparing notes on athletes and entertainers who may or may not be available.
I will leave you with all the clichés:
Don’t make the obvious invisible.
What is done in the dark will come to light.
You don’t have to look for it, it will find you.

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