Thursday, December 30, 2010

HiYelaBoi's Tweef: The Chris Brown/Raz B Twitter Beef

I know many people are still stuck on Facebook and haven't upgraded their social networking experience to include Twitter, so they missed out on the spectacle that went on yesterday between Chris Brown and former B2K member Raz B.

I struggled with whether this was an issue I wanted to address on this blog because I simple can not tolerate and will not instigate buffoonery but since these two decided to take it public, so will I.

I'm not sure what made the "tweef" pop off but I know that started with comments that Raz B made about Rihanna and escalated to the police looking for Raz B's brother in connection with threats made on Chris Brown's life. The Twitter exchange included insults about Chris Brown's domestic violence and woman beating issues, and Raz B's alleged rape/molestation.

Raz B's brother who goes by the name of Rickey Romance, took to video to make threats Chris Brown for the comments he made against  Raz B.

This R&B beef must stop! Can't this all be settled with a dance-off refereed by Steve Harvey like on the movie "You Got Served"?

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Assets and Liabilities: The Business of Relationships

As the new year approaches, now is a good time to evaluate the people and relationships in your life. I've been told that a person is a combination of their five closest people to them. What does those five people say about you? Are the people you surround yourself with assets or liabilities?
One of the closest people in your life is clearly your significant other. Sometimes it is difficult to accurately assess your romantic relationships. Because you love this person with your heart; thinking of your relationship in terms of assets and liabilities may seem a little cold but it is totally necessary!

If a person does not encourage you to be the very best you can be, they are a liability. If they offer you no help or assistance in times of trouble they are a liability. If they tell you what they think will just shut you up instead of what you NEED to hear they are a liability.

If the person is your personal cheerleader they are an asset. If this person wants nothing but the best for you they are an asset. If this person does things to make you feel special and appreciated they are an asset.

This is especially important in romantic relationships simply because your expectations of a lover are different than that of a friend or a family member. This is the person that you share your most intimate moments with...are they an asset or liability?

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Homie, Lover, Friend...

Not that I am an expert on love and relationships (I'm single), but I understand that ultimately a man wants a homie, lover, and a friend. Each title is equally important. The following is my idea of what exactly that is...

The Homie: The homie portion of the relationship consists of woman that man can feel comfortable being himself around. She understands him. She understands just because they are not in the same room does not mean they aren't together. She's his favorite card partner, she can watch his favorite sport with him and add meaningful commentary, and she finish the rap song lyric that he starts.

The Lover: Being a lover is not specifically about sex. While the sexual chemistry is strong; it is more about the LOVE. Love is what makes her fix his plate for him. Love is what makes her put up with habits without saying a word. This is why she loves his mama. This is why she shows him respect and why she looks with admiration.

The Friend: Friend is the most important part of the relationship. Friendship is the glue that makes everything else come together. It is dependability, it trust, it is responsibility, it is expectations, it is the respect, it is sharing hopes and dreams, and it is enjoying each other's company.

I believe every man wants a homie, lover, friend. However fellas, when you find a woman who can be your homie, lover, and your friend you should not take the relationship for granted, she should still be treated like a princess.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The unfortunate passing of Lady Tee....

If you know ANYTHING about me; you know that I have a serious fascination with Teena Marie, AKA Lady Tee. Please engage in a moment of silence for the LADY herself before enjoying the lyrical stylings of "Deja Vu...I've been here before"...

RIP to the best vocalist of our time (in my opinion) voice will never be the same! I am truly devastated.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Don't underestimate the power of being bitter!

What I am about to say will go against everything that self-help and relationship books and even the Bible says…but I like my thoughts deeply rooted in reality!
Most people can't let a past love go until they get angry. Really angry! Anger makes you not care what they are doing or who they are seeing. Anger makes you reflect on the time you wasted with that person and how you were mis-led, mis-treated, or mis-informed by that person. Anger is what allows you to truly get over the other person. After the anger is gone it is replaced by bitterness. Bitterness is a by-product of anger. It is a coping mechanism. You have gotten over what the offending ex lover had done to you but you haven't forgotten. Don't underestimate the power of bitterness! Bitterness is that emotion that stops you from taking the ex back! Bitterness will stop you from doing stupid stuff like wondering what they are doing or riding by their house.

I'm not big on forgiveness either. Again I know that you are supposed to forgive those who do you wrong but…..forget that! I will not "reward' bad behavior nor will I freely give the gift of forgiveness. Some things can't be fixed with a simple "I'm sorry". Use your powers of forgiveness for yourself! And if the other person shows real signs of rehabilitation, remorse and repentance, then you can forgive them. Other than that "I'm sorry" and "I forgive you" is just words.
Here's the disclaimer: You can not allow these emotions and bad situations to build up into "baggage". Baggage only hurts the person carrying it. You have already been hurt by the ex; don't allow them to continue to hurt you! You use the experience as a learning opportunity and move on! It is unfair to the people who do genuinely care about you and it is unfair to yourself to penalize people in your present and future for things that people in your past has done. You owe it to yourself to go from bitter to better to blessed!


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Can men and women be just friends?

My answer is absolutely! Many people would disagree, but these would probably be the people who can’t handle themselves in a friendship with someone of the opposite sex. This is so unfortunate because having a friend of the opposite sex can be mutually beneficial.   
The problem arises when people don’t respect boundaries. Meaning, if you are in a relationship, you have to set rules for opposite sex friendships.  For example, you cannot have an opposite sex friend who don’t get along with your significant other. And any activity that specifically excludes your spouse/lover (other than planning a surprise or shopping for a special gift) should be strictly forbidden. Another forbidden activity is anything that involves dim or no lighting including movies. Please be able to recognize what is inappropriate!  If the activities can’t be enjoyed by all, they probably shouldn’t be engaged in. This doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy an activity without your honey, but there should be an open invitation for him/her to join. 

Men and women can be friends and it makes good sense! I know I appreciate having male friends when I am trying to understand the male psyche or need to decode the secrets of male behavior. In return I often help my male friends find gifts for their wives/girlfriends, give them dating advice, and assist them in analyzing female motives and intentions. Let’s abandon the notion that having a female friend is like having a girlfriend on a waiting list or that having a guy friend is like having a sex partner on standby…mature people should be able to maintain friendships….regardless of gender.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The internet as a cheater catching tool!

If you have questions about your honey's fidelity, check the internet! The internet is an invaluable tool for tracking your boo's activities!
There’s websites that are dedicated to getting the low down on the cheater in your life like and There are discussion boards like  and  that discuss celebs and athletes dating habits in case you are dating someone of that caliber. And of course, and expose cheaters of all walks of life on a daily basis.

However, if you really want to see what your beloved is up to, go no further than Facebook or Twitter, for nothing is sacred in the social network. Is Facebook/Twitter running your relationship? Or is your relationship ruining Facebook/Twitter?  Be suspicious if your lover doesn’t want to follow each other on Twitter or be Facebook friends. Those Facebook comments and Twitter posts can give you a good clue as to where your mate’s eye might be wondering. Now if only there was a way to hack into Twitter DM (Direct Message)…
And let’s not forget to check out those pics from those party websites! Sometimes if you look close enough…in the background… you might see “yours” with another…
Realistically, if your boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife, or lover is a cheater, it can’t be blamed on internet exposure. The internet was just the method by which they were caught.  Place blame where blame is due: On the Cheater!

Monday, December 20, 2010

This Week's HOTNESS: Waka Flocka Flame

I'm almost ashamed to admit it but Waka Flocka Flame is kinda hot (in a thuggish, dirty fingernail, A&E's First 48, "I'mma need you to take the rap for me", "Officer I ain't even do nothin", marijuana, dark liquor, dirty boy kinda way).

I mean if the dreads were a nice faded hair cut, the neck and hand tattoos removed, a good scrubbing, put him in a suit… a lil penicillin, a lil detox, a lil rehab…Waka Flocka might be sexy!

Born Juaquin Malphurs (that even sounds like a "First 48" name), got the nickname from a cousin who would call him "Waka" after the Muppet's Fozzie Bear! The 24 year-old rapper, was born in New York, but calls Georgia home. Atlanta based label mate Gucci Mane added the Flocka Flame to the moniker.

His recent troubles including being shot and having his Atlanta home raided recently, adds to his thuggish reputation, while his life expectancy is probably on the decline.  His Mom, Debbie Antney, who is also his manager, must be so proud!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Seen & Heard: Tank’s new album, “Now or Never”

This album was released this last Tuesday, December 14th, but I didn’t get my hands on it until yesterday. Why did I wait so long to get this hot album? This might be his best album yet! 

“Now or Never” can be the soundtrack to your bedroom home movies. This album can be listened to from start to finish without pause (unless you need a water break).
This is the video for the first single “Sex Music”:

Tank spends so much time writing music for others that I forgot how sexy his own projects are. Tank, I need you to take more “me” time and keep putting out music like this! Grown & Sexy!

Friday, December 17, 2010

WTF Friday: Shaunie O’Neal drops clues on NBA’s cheating husbands…

Shaunie dropped by the Los Angeles radio show, Big Boy’s Neighborhood Morning Show where she discussed this season of VH1’s “Basketball Wives”:

I found it quite interesting when Shaunie said that there are a lot of ladies who have asked to be on the show but the idea is shot down by the boyfriend/husbands. And really I don’t blame these men:
1.    What man would want their woman behaving like a high school girl with all the cattiness and fighting (both arguing and physical altercations)? While entertaining, the ladies on the show don’t exhibit much maturity (hence why we watch).

2.    If a man is a cheater, it would behoove him to want his girlfriend/wife putting aspects of their life out for the public (and sidechicks and jump offs) to scrutinize. If wifey didn’t know he was a cheater before, she will certainly find out (twitter and TMZ will see to that)!
Shaunie, I am not mad at you! You have definitely turned the unfortunate outcome of your relationship into a money making enterprise…got keep that income flowing somehow…

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The first single from Lil Wayne's "Tha Carter 4": 6'7"

So the first single off of Lil Wayne’s first post jail album “Tha Carter 4” is called “6’7” featuring Corey Gunz. 

*Parental Guidance Suggested. Adult Language!*

Supposedly, Lil Wayne is sober on this track…Let me know what you think!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Rihanna likes HiYelaBoys

I’m not saying that Rihanna is color struck, but it does appear that she like boys who can pass the old *Paper Bag” test.
*Paper Bag Test – Complexion is that of a paper bag or lighter.
She has been linked to R&B singers Omarion, Chris Brown, rapper Drake, and baseball  player Matt Kemp who are all of a lighter complexion.
Rihanna with Omarion

Rihanna with Chris Brown

Rihanna with Drake

Rihanna with Matt Kemp

Rihanna with Josh Hartnett

However, Rihanna’s preference for light skin is not exclusive to black men. RiRi has been linked white boys including Shia LaBeouf, Josh Hartnett, and Justin Timberlake.
Who knows if these hook-ups are just the concoctions publicists’ imaginations or if she was truly feeling any of these guys? All I know is I haven’t seen RiRi with a brown brother lately.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Stalking: No Laughing Matter!

I know from firsthand experience what stalking is. A lot of people jokingly call other people stalkers because of their aggressive nature or over zealousness. That's all fun and games. To those being stalked, it’s no laughing matter! Stalking can range from unwanted attention to fear of physical harm. Whatever the degree, those who do the stalking are pitiful and pathetic!

I will not go into lengthy detail about my stalking experience nor will I divulge the name of my harasser. This is not to protect his privacy, but to protect mine.

I decided to break it off with a guy I was dating after about 2 years. He was having none of that. He would come up to my job and harass me, wait for me at the expressway exit I used, solicit information from my friends about my activities, spread rumors about me, and threaten my friends and family. One time he followed me to a nightclub where security had to be called to stop him from attacking me! This guy would literally call my house 15 times in an hour (thank GOD for caller ID). He would look for any excuse to contact me, even seeking reimbursement for things he had bought me during the course of our relationship including fast food. Who keeps tabs on that?

Everyone told me if I ignored him, he'd stop harassing me. I believe this only infuriated him more. He certainly couldn't say I was leading him on in any way. I would not take his calls, if I saw him coming I'd turn the other way, I did not allow his name to fall out of my mouth; I was truly ignoring him. This went on for about two years.

Did he think this behavior would make me want to get back with him? Him banging on the outside of my car when I stopped at stop lights was going to win me over? Was following me home from work really going to change my mind?

That was a long time ago, but every now and then someone will tell me that he asked about me…it still creeps me out!

Monday, December 13, 2010

HOTNESS: Heisman Trophy Winner, Cam Newton

Cameron Newton is the 6'6", 250 lb, 21 year old 2010 Heisman Trophy winner from Auburn University. Cam is not the only football player in his family; his dad, Cecil Newton Sr., and older brother, Cecil Newton Jr. have both played in the NFL.  

The quarterback’s college football career originally started at the University of Florida but he left following an eligibility scandal and arrest. Allegedly, Newton was in possession of a laptop worth $1,700 that was stolen from another student. He was also accused of trying to hide the stolen laptop after he had been caught, which led to an obstruction charge (he might have a little gangsta in him for all you thug lovers out there). With all of that behind him and a new start at Auburn, Cam was able to win the Heisman. 

 Analyst say that if Cam Newton decides to be one-and-done at Auburn and enter the NFL draft, he probably won't have to wait long to be taken.  Leaving for the NFL may be his best option with the eligibility scandal investigation still lingering over him. Besides, he’s a Heisman winner, how much better can his college career get?

While I observe many women gushing over how hot he is…I only get luke warm vibes from him. Dude needs a mustache. I can, however appreciate a man with a nice smile and for that he has made this week’s hotness!

Damn Wiz, you too?

From the “Mr. Me Too” files, I present rapper Wiz Khalifa hugged up on a certain Blacc China!
Blacc China and Wiz Khalifa photo retrieved from Twitter
The other night Wiz Khalifa performed at the Platinum Club in his hometown of Pittsburgh, were apparently he and ‘China’ got a little cozy.
Perhaps Wiz Khalifa reads my blog (see yesterday’s post), and decided he too would like to get to know Blacc China ‘a little better’.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Seen & Heard: Miami, where the players go to play….

Ahhh Miami! From the warm weather the taut scantily clad beach bodies traipsing about; Miami is a playground for those looking to play. It is difficult for me think that a man who spends an extended amount of time in Miami has any intention on being faithful to his lady Mary Ann back home in [insert hometown here].

King of Diamonds
That’s right; Miami strip clubs are unsurpassed. A lot of men go to Miami just to go to KOD (King of Diamonds strip club). King of Diamonds offers an impressive list of over 300 dancers of all different nationalities. The venue boosts 14 super skyboxes, 30 private V.I.P. suites, a shoe shine station, fashion boutique, beauty salon, tanning salon, full body massages, fine dining menu, a barber shop and even a basketball court for those who have come to play. KOD is where you might see your favorite rapper or professional athlete. You may also spy various video chicks making their rent money and car payment (or seducing their next baby daddy or extortion victim). Most men who frequent Miami will agree that Miami has the very best strips as far as looks, body, and “skill”.  Drake even invited [Blac] China from King of Diamonds to make a flight in his song “All Night Long”. This is also where Lil Wayne chose to have his first party after his release from jail. 

Click here to see video of Rick Ross "Teflon Don" album release party at KOD. 

Dancer Blac China of King of Diamonds 
Miami is a playground for the man looking to be naughty. Please beware. Several lawsuits have been filed by KOD strippers against various entertainers and athletes within the last year. So those guys who work a regular job may find they have a hard time gaining entry, fore you are probably not lawsuit worthy….*HiYelaGurl Shrug*

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Bi-sexuality by popular demand: Why woman are engaging in gay for play.

I am noticing a trend of women claiming bi-sexuality. I have a tendency to believe it is attention seeking behavior more than it is a sexual preference. Not that there aren’t women out there who are actually bi-sexual, but my guess is most of the women who engage in bi-sexual behavior are doing so for the benefit of enticing the male species.
This really makes no sense. Why would a woman pretend to like other women to gain the attention of men? Seems counterproductive, but apparently it isn’t. Looks like the bi-sexuality “claim” is working for a lot of women: Angelina Jolie, Nicki Minaj, Amber Rose, various actresses, music artists, models, and the everyday working woman. It seems that in most cases these “bi-sexual” women end up with a man. Is this because this is what they wanted all along and the “claim” is just a means to an end?
I think a lot men are lesbian curious. And enjoy the thought and/or the visual of a woman with another woman and anticipates her bi-sexuality resulting in a Ménage à Trois. I think, however, that if a woman was truly bi-sexual, more of these women might choose a committed relationship with a woman over a man, but usually that’s not the case; the man wins out. Does it matter to a man if a woman is a genuine bi-sexual or not as long as she can put on a convincing performance?
*These are my opinions and are not meant to offend anyone*
I’d love to see what others think about the subject. Please share your thoughts!

Friday, December 10, 2010


BitchAssNess – When a seemingly heterosexual man displays or exudes female traits like jealousy, bitterness, envy, gossipiness, hate, being argumentative, carrying an attitude, etc.
Lately, I’ve been seeing a lot of BitchAssNess including a man attacking the television programs “Real Housewives of Atlanta” and “Basketball Wives” on Facebook, and athletes being attacked by male fans on Twitter for their wealth, lifestyle, and talent.  Wherever there is BitchAssNess, there are usually beautiful women and/or money involved. There is a whole movement of men who are just angry! They are angry at other men for their success and angry at the women who are attracted to them. (Is this indicative of mommy issues, or maybe daddy issues?)
Women are the first to recognize BitchAssNess! It is an instant turn off. Don’t be angry and jealous. Step your game up, and better yourself. There is nothing more despicable than a man jealous of a woman! If a woman is beautiful and successful and won’t date you, don’t hate her; she’s just not the one for you. If a man is successful in their chosen business and has accumulated wealth, don’t be jealous; be motivated. It’s not about reaching the potential of others; it’s about reaching YOUR potential. MAN UP!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Things that scare me...

Things that scare me….
I consider myself a pretty tough cookie but there’s some things in the world that scare me to death…I decided to share them in hopes that someone can offer me counseling.  It’s difficult for me to be this vulnerable, but here it goes:
In no particular order
1.    Running out of toilet paper – The thought of running out of toilet paper is a huge fear for me. When I was growing up we didn’t have a lot of money and sometimes my Mom could only afford one roll of toilet paper at a time. I now I keep 24 rolls on hand at all times! 
2.    People with bad hygiene preparing my food – This is sort of an oxymoron seeing as how I love the Waffle House. Anyone who has ever been to the Waffle House knows that the cooks often look suspiciously unbathed. I also scrutinize potlucks and picnics. I wanna know whose house is not clean, who has pets running around, and who don't wash their hands prior to preparing food (their dishes I avoid)! 
3.    Being in a convertible in a rollover accident – Think about it. Your cruising along in your convertible and BAM! Your car starts rolling. No overhead protection! And with every roll your head hits the pavement….SCARY! 
4.    Claymation – I still have nightmares about MTV’s Celebrity Death Match! Claymation is just creepy. I do not care to watch any claymation programs. No Thank You!!

While it may sound silly to you, these are serious fears for me! Wonder if there are support groups for people who share my same fears…

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

HOTNESS! Ooh Diggy Simmons…I see potential in you!

Ok I know I should be ashamed of myself for counting down the days (exactly 829) until Daniel “Diggy” Simmons turns 18, but he is so handsome! Actually I am keeping my eye on him for my little nieces.  *wink*

 This 15 year old heartthrob in the making makes me wish I could turn back the hands of time to my teenage years. 

He comes from Hip Hop royalty; his dad is Run from the legendary rap group Run DMC and his uncle is Russell Simmons, founder of Def Jam. 

It is obvious that he inherited his family’s musical talent. He recently inked a record deal after being noticed for his mixed tape freestyles.
Diggy with Reginae Carter at her 12th birthday party
Diggy was Reginae’s (daughter of Lil Wayne) escort to her 12th birthday party over the weekend. How cute is that? Diggy, I have a birthday coming up too; can you be my (niece’s) escort?

For more on Diggy, check out his blog at

Monday, December 6, 2010

He is a good man...

I was recently asked to post something that would uplift men…Your wish is my command.
We as women often take good men for granted. We forget how having a good man is a blessing. I am here to remind you! Being in a relationship/marriage is strictly voluntary. He does not have to be there (neither do you), and you owe it to a good man to let him know he is appreciated and loved.
Part of the problem is we don’t recognize a good man when we see one. I am going to outline what I think are the characteristics of a good man:
*Respect – This is the absolute most important characteristic of a good man. Does he respect you? Does make sure others show you respect?
*Responsibility – Does he take responsibility for you as he does himself? Does he make decisions in the best interest of you as a couple or is he selfish only thinking of himself as an individual?
* Provide – Does this man go to work every day to provide? Is he doing everything he can to make sure your needs are met and at least some of your wants?
* Protect – Is this man making sure no harm comes your way? Does he make you feel secure?
*Concern – Is your man concerned about your health? Feelings? Ambition? Goals? Does he encourage you?
Unfortunately, so many of us women have been raised by single mothers and we haven’t witnessed successful man/woman relationships. Women are not being taught how to be a good woman/wife to a good man. We are unsure what we are supposed to do. We don’t know our roles. How many women can truly say that their parents gave them instruction how to be a good woman to a man? Being a good woman does not mean sticking by your man as he dogs you out. Being a good woman means you encourage him to be the best man he can be. This means embracing your femininity and appreciating his masculinity!
I am all about women being empowered, but we as women must learn how to turn it on and off. Your man is not looking to compete with you for the role of ‘man’ in a relationship. He wants someone he can come home to that will respond to the very essence of who he is: THE MAN.
*These are my opinions and I am entitled to them because after all it is MY blog*

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Seen & Heard Part II: Keri Hilson's risque video for "The Way You Love Me"

Keri Hilson has created quite the buzz with the video for “The Way You Love Me”! Not only are the lyrics sexually charged, so is her dance routines and costuming (or lack of).

This video is not suitable for people under the age of 18. Parental guidance is STRONGLY suggested! Not appropriate to be viewed at work. This video contains adult themes and situations. View at your own risk...and every other disclaimer...

I can see the ladies hating on this one. Keri has raised the bar for sexiness in a video. She has a great body and literally dances her ass off! This make me want to get in the mirror and work on my own routine! I am not mad at Keri! Please post your comments and let me know what you think.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Seen & Heard: Raheem Devaughn's super sexy video for "She's Single"

I thought Trey Songz video for "Neighbors Know My Name" was the sexiest video of 2010...that's until Raheem Devaughn shut it down with the "She's Single" video from his mixed tape!

This video is not suitable for people under the age of 18. Parental guidance is STRONGLY suggested! Not appropriate to be viewed at work. This video contains adult themes and situations. View at your own risk...and every other disclaimer...

WOW! That's really all I can say! I liked Raheem Devaugn's music before but now I have gained a whole new appreciation for him as a man! Please post your comments and let me know what you think.

Friday, December 3, 2010

WTF Friday: Suge Knight's storage unit auctioned off

One of my favorite fluffy big fella crushes is back in the news again….his stuff will be the subject of an episode of the reality show "Storage Wars". 

The show follows respossessed storage unit scavengers as they try to hit the mother load. Barry Weiss, a Storage Wars star, bought a box from the auction that was filled with Suge's custom made clothes which were reportedly sold for about $5000.

At one point the former founder and CEO of Death Row Records boasted more money than he could count; now his stored personal belongings are being auctioned off after several months of delinquent storage fees. The auction was held in February and didn't yield much. Items bought included clothes, a picture of Suge with the late rapper Tupac, a flat screen monitor, and a cooler.

Suge Knight had been shopping his own reality show "Unfinished Business' which follows him as he tries to rebuild his empire. There is no word on whether it was or ever will be picked up by a network.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Fabulous Engagement Rings!

I love love! I love to see people in love! And I love to see people take the leap into marriage. I have seen some beautiful engagement rings in my life. I have seen some really gaudy cheap ones too! Here are some of our favorite celebrities’ fabulous rings:

Tameka "Tiny" Cottle's ring from rapper T.I.

Singer, Monica Arnold's ring from NBA player Shannon Brown

Singer, Beyonce's ring from rapper Jay-Z

Evelyn Lozada's ring from NFL player Chad "Ocho Cinco" Johnson

Singer, Keyshia Cole's ring from NBA player Daniel Gibson

Khloe Kardashian's ring from NBA player Lamar Odom

Singer, Mariah Carey's ring from Nick Cannon
Just because you are sporting a huge rock on your finger does not mean it does not look cheap. Cheap has nothing to do with how much was spent on the ring but rather the design, quality and clarity.

Tasteful is the way to go! I personally would rather wear a simple wedding band than a tacky monstrosity on my finger. Not to say that I wouldn't appreciate a nice diamond, but I don't subscribe to the doctrine that a huge ring is a testament to how much your man loves you or how strong your marriage is.