Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Code

I guess by now all of us have heard that Desperate Housewives actress Eva Longoria and her NBA husband Tony Parker are splitting up. The details are unfolding but so far it seems that Tony had been carrying on with his former teammate Brent Barry’s wife, Erin. The two couples are friends and have been known to hang out together. This is totally against “The Code”.
Tony Parker, Eva Longoria, Erin Barry, and Brent Barry
The Code - Thou shall not covet the following (not limited to):
Neighbor’s Wife
Teammate/Colleague/Friend’s Wife
Wife’s Sister/Cousin/Mother/Best Friend
Brother/Cousin’s Wife
The point of “The Code” is that there are certain boundaries and standards that should be adhered to when it comes to love and relationships. Some things you just don't do!
Both couples are in the process of divorce in the midst of the scandal.


  1. I really hate to see this couple split! They're sooo cute together :( What was Tony Parker and Erin Barry thinking!!!! That all sounds like it should play out on Desperate Housewives!

  2. There is some boundaries you just don't cross. Guess Tony didn't get the memo...
